#18 - 2021


For the 18th time in 19 years the Beltsville Shell faithful (and other friends) gathered for the 2021 reunion.

Emerging from the pandemic, and yearning to see long-time friends, 45 people gathered at Herman's Garage on Memorial Day weekend -- a new attendance record.

Kneeling (L to R): Nancy Paul Thomas, Cary Thomas, and Canon Thomas

First Row (L to R): Eddie Scarcia, Michael Moore, Bradley Moore, Sam Whitmore, Malcolm Van Kirk, Janet Merkel, Sonny Boteler, Nace DeLauter, and Phil Marcus

Back Row (L to R): Cody Beard (slightly off the edge on the left), Mike O'Connor, Mike King, Phil Corbin, Kathy and Phil Cleary, Steve Anderson, Brian Lister, Steve Van Kirk, Bud Duley, Jim Ziepold, Steve Koch, Sandi Watt, Bill Goodwin, Annie McFarlane, Tick Magnum, Suzanne Lees, Herman Knauer, Barbara and Rick Ransom, Lynn Stephens, Gary Manley and Charles Crowson (slightly off the edge on the right)

Present, but not in the photo: Caden, Dresden and Lacey Beard, Al Beck, Doug Jones, Sharon Nomikos, Danny Sokolowski, Bonnie Williams, and Steve and Tammy Yokum.

With us in spirit: Bonnie and Tom Hontz.

 For a full report on the Reunion, please see the posting here:

Beltsville Shell Reunion #18

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Remembrances (and appropriate comments) are always recommended! Thank you, Cary